Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm kind of a big deal.

okay the loser of the week made himself apparent tonight at the club.  here's how the conversation went down.

Lame: You dance right?
Me: No man, I don't know how. (my thought at the time, "I'm not your damn dancing monkey")
Lame: whatever man, I saw you.
Me: oh, that was just me messing around.
Lame: I'm not gay man, I'm a producer from LA.
Me: Rampage
Lame: I'm trying to bring you up!
Me: I'm good bro.
Lame: I'm worth millions man, you're worth nothing. 
Me: I'm happy with where I'm at.
Lame: I can make you!
Me: I'm good where I am.
Lame: I doubt it. I'm the man around here.
Me: awesome. I'm good where I'm at.
Lame: I doubt it.
Me: Good to know, have a good night brovah.

and then the guy tried to dance with some girl.  whether he succeded or not I'm not quite sure.  I stopped paying attention.   The only thing I really thought about was, if this guy was really what he said he was, he probably wouldn't drop it like he did.  he was so big on making himself seem like he was a big deal, he proved to me he was a nobody.  

sad how just a few words can reveal your true nature.

1 comment:

  1. Bwahaha, B don't you know? producers from LA always hang out near Detroit. It's like their home away from smoggy home.
